
Using Pip

Simply use pip install renard-pipeline.

You can also install the following extras:

  • stanza (pip install renard-pipeline[stanza]), for the Stanford CoreNLP pipeline

  • spacy (pip install renard-pipeline[spacy]), for the Spacy coreference resolver Coreferee

Manual Installation

The project uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Use :

  • poetry install to install dependencies

  • poetry run python to run a script under the virtual environment with dependencies

  • poetry shell to get into a virtual environment with dependencies

If you ever want to use the Stanford CoreNLP pipeline, you must install stanza (pip install stanza).

If you want to use the Spacy Coreferee coreference solver, you need to install spacy, spacy-transformers and corefereee (pip install spacy spacy-transformers coreferee).